PLAY: It's time to launch
If you’ve adequately planned, prepared and promoted Freedom Session, your launch will be a highlight and then it’s a matter of week-to-week faithfulness.
You have a front row seat watching God transform lives and relationships.
Pray for God’s presence in each of the sessions. While the teaching videos come ready for “plug and play,” Freedom Session deals with issues of the heart that require love, patience and discernment.
Remember, as a Director, you have access to the Freedom Session support team. Let us help you navigate difficult situations.
Encourage your participants to join us on social media and post their own stories.
Check our NEWS page every once in a while to see if we are coming to a city near you.
A typical freedom "Session"
Large Group Teaching
Each week a 30-45 minute large group teaching video will challenge you with God’s truth in an area of your life that contributes to the emptiness, bitterness or loneliness you feel and the dysfunction of your relationships.
Your teacher is Pastor Ken Dyck, author of Freedom Session and one who has walked the same journey you are taking. He understands how you feel because he’s been there. He’s also experienced the freedom you are longing for.
Small Group Experience
In gender specific groups of 6-8 participants, you will process and wrestle with the large group teaching. Most of us have been hurt by people. And God has determined our healing will also come in context of relationship.
The small group is where trust is developed and support is found.
Realizing we are not alone in our struggle is an important part of the healing journey. So is learning to listen and understand others
“On your Own” Assignment
That’s right; there’s a homework component. Each week you will spend 1-2 hours applying God’s truths to your life, digging deep, facing disappointments and memories you thought you would take to the grave. This is also where many of the breakthroughs happen.
It is the truth that sets us free. And once you’ve exposed and faced the truth, satan power over you is broken and you can move forward.
“The homework was simple, but it was not easy. Honesty, is not easy – not about the stuff that matters. But once you’ve experienced being real with God, yourself and others, you never want to go back to superficial existence.” – Jill