Host a Small Group

Join the Movement - experience freedom

Our mission is simple: Provide a quality and consistent Freedom Session experience for all who wish to find freedom and healing through Jesus.

We’re inviting you to partner with us by hosting a Freedom Session Small Group in your home, church or online. 

During Covid, we helped launch more Freedom Session small groups than ever before. We quickly realized this is the way to make Freedom Session and the freedom Jesus promises accessible to all.

We also committed to making it possible for almost anyone to host a Freedom Session small group and invite a few others to experience the journey with them. 


  • Updated Teaching Videos of FS FOUNDATIONS I & II with embedded instructional segments to guide you through each session. FREE online streaming subscription.
  • FREE Mid-week Mentor videos to coach and encourage participants during the week.
  • Workbook Sets at quantity discounts that make sense for small groups. This is the only cost for participants.
  • Small Group Host webinar Training and Support. We’re here to help!

Below are our best practices and a proven strategy we’ve learned over the years for a successful Freedom Session launch and completion.

You can switch up the order a bit, but make sure to cover all the bases.


Where:  Decide whether to meet in your home, church or online. If you’d like your group to meet at your church, reserve a suitable room with video/audio support.

When: day of week, time of day, etc. September and January are popular launch months but groups can start at any time – keep in mind Foundations I & II is 20 weeks.

Who: Consider friends, acquaintances or others you feel might benefit. Small groups are gender specific and work best in multiples of three (3, 6 or 9) since you will often break down into triads for more meaningful discussion.

How: Register for your FREE Teaching Video Subscription and familiarize yourself with the materials and your Thinkific “Dashboard.”

Access Teaching Videos


Purchase (at least) one FS workbook set for yourself. The workbooks are an essential component to the FS experience and each group member will need their own set. If you know how many people you are inviting, you can purchase additional workbook sets to save on quantities and shipping.

Workbooks should arrive in 4-10 days.

Play the first one or two teaching videos and follow along in your workbook to see how the teaching integrates with the workbooks and Mid-week Mentors. This will also help you understand the journey into which you are inviting others.

Pay special attention to the Small Group Discussion instructions given on the video and Small Group Experience questions in your workbook.

Purchase Workbooks

3. Prepare

Register for a “How to Host a FS Small Group” training webinar.

Invite your participants and secure their commitment. Ask them for the full 20 week commitment upfront. Let them know they will need to pay for their workbooks.

Inform your pastor or staff member who oversees small groups for support and accountability.

Order FS Workbook Sets for your group members or ask them to order their own through our website.

Test the audio/visual equipment you are using with the teaching videos. You will need a decent wi-fi signal.

Pray for God to move in your own life and in your group as you begin this journey.

Register For Small Group Webinar

4. Play

Create a welcome environment and set out a snack for your first Freedom Session.

Begin the teaching video. Follow along with the video and workbook instructions. (Make sure each participant has their own workbooks)

Note the suggested Small Group Discussion time allotments and keep group members on track. (Find small group rules on pages 05 & 06 of every workbook)

Be an active participant during the teaching and discussion. Encourage group ownership and accountability. We want you to experience all the freedom and healing Jesus offers.

At the end of Session 01, remind each participant to register for their own Mid-week Mentor subscription. (see top menu on our website.)

For added support, join our Freedom Session Host Community on social media.