On Your Own

The ideal way to experience Freedom Session is in your local church or a church near you.

If you are unable to find a Freedom Session offered in your location, you have two options:

Host a FS Triad

Host a FS Triad

Plan:  Select a start date, find two (or more) to join you on the journey.

Purchase your workbooks.  Order separately or save a few dollars by ordering together.

Prepare:  Access our teaching videos and stream them on your TV. Set out a few snacks.

Play: our Teaching videos and workbooks will guide you through the session.

If your Triad ends up being larger or you’d to learn more, visit “Host a Small Group.” Our team is ready to help.

My Personal Freedom Session

My Personal Freedom Session

Purchase your workbooks.  

Prepare:  Access our teaching videos.

Play: the Teaching videos and write out your answers to the Small Group Discussion questions in your workbook.

Every year, hundreds of people experience freedom and healing in triads or small groups of three. Most meet in person; some on line. Community is an important aspect of the healing journey and we want you to have the best experience ever!

As you experience Freedom Session first hand and the healing God brings about in your life, God may use you to launch a Freedom Session ministry in your local church so that others can benefit. We’ve seen this happen frequently. Our team is here to help.