You’ve taken the first step. Every year, thousands of people like you decide that life is short and determine to make the most of it.
Freedom Session will help you to process mistakes, failures and painful experiences in your past that keep you from experiencing the life-to-the-full Jesus promised. “The thief comes only to steal and to kill and destroy. I have come that you might have life and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)
Once your past is processed, your pain healed and lies replaced with God’s truth, unhealthy behaviors and coping strategies will lose their grip and Freedom Session will teach you the keys to living a meaningful and authentic life.
You can do it!
Freedom Session is not an easy journey…but neither is life. You already know cliché answers and positive thinking don’t work. You deserve better.
You’re worth it and you won’t be alone. You’ll have your FS community. More importantly, the Holy Spirit of God will be your personal Counselor as you work through the materials. And we’ll be here to cheer you on. Thousands of people have taken FS with one common regret: “I wish I’d have taken FS earlier.”
(At the end of Foundations II, you can decide to continue your freedom journey with the Authentic Living 8-week follow-up course.)

for the long run
Expect to make some great new friends. Freedom Session is a community – there’s a small group component to process what you’re learning with others.
Expect to be challenged with solid biblical answers to the challenges you face. Life is too short for sugar coated, cliche answers. The teaching is practical and proven. The homework is packed with tools / strategies that teach HOW to live the life God designed you for.
Expect lasting changes…for the better. Freedom is not the absence of conflict or pain but the ability to experience and find God’s pathway through both.
It was through an exercise of forgiving myself that for the first time in 40 years I started to really understand what forgiveness was
When I’m able to give mercy back to other people I can feel fulfilled, compassionate, understanding, loving, loved, and extreme joy.
The most meaningful breakthrough I had was when I learned to forgive people in my life.
Freedom Session Graduation
One aspect that sets Freedom Session apart is the “graduation” where we celebrate what we have learned and the breakthroughs God has given us. It doesn’t mean we have it all together. It means we have learned to face the truth about ourselves and deal with the hurts we carry and those we have caused others.
We are done offering lame excuses and expecting others to cover for us. We are men and women of integrity, with a strategy and the accountability to live lives that count.
Freedom Session church graduations are raw and authentic. We tell the truth. We admit the negative labels and lies we’ve believed. More importantly, we embrace the names and the purpose for which we were created. It’s a big deal to us because our freedom is a big deal to Jesus.
For those who take Freedom Session in a small group environment, we’ve created meaningful “Party with a Purpose” events that accomplish the same purposes. These are explained in the teaching and Mid-week Mentor videos at the appropriate time.