
Become a Sponsor

Once Freedom Session participants complete Session 8 of their 20-week Foundations journey, they develop a support team. Finding a Sponsor is an important part of this team so thank you for considering their request.

Being a Freedom Session Sponsor is one of the most profound and intimate ministry opportunities you can ever experience. If you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are authentic and compassionate you are likely qualified to become a Sponsor.

“I was amazed at the honesty and courage of my Sponsee. Watching God transform a life before my eyes is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. And I was a part of it!”

A Sponsor IS:

  • A type of mentor or coach who helps a Freedom Session participant process Steps 5 to 9 of their healing journey.
  • A Christian. Freedom Session relies on the power of Jesus Christ and healing work of the Holy Spirit.
  • Authentic, caring and trustworthy. You will be entrusted with the intimate details of another person’s life.
  • Personally walking in a reasonable measure of freedom and healing. It helps if you have personally taken Freedom Session but is not essential.
  • Available. Over a four-week period, Sponsors should plan for two or three meetings lasting two to three hours each.

A Sponsor is NOT:

  • A therapist
  • A counsellor
  • A life-long best friend


Someone has likely asked you to be their Sponsor and is willing to trust you with the intimate details of their life. 

Please seriously consider this request.  Watch the Sponsor Orientation video below,  and say “yes.” You can also download the booklet.

Next Steps

If you’re ready to become a Sponsor, download the Sponsor orientation booklet and watch the Sponsor Orientation video.

Thank you for considering partnering with us to bring freedom and healing to those for whom Jesus died.

If you need more information on the role of a Sponsor, scroll down and/or contact the Freedom Session Director in the church your potential Sponsee is taking Freedom Session.

What specifically does a Freedom Session Sponsor Do?

The primary role of a Sponsor is to listen to a Freedom Session participant (Sponsee) “confess” their story in a spirit of love, acceptance and support. This will break the power of shame and free the sponsee from lies they have believed about themselves for years.

Your Sponsee will initiate and lead through the following meetings:

Meeting #1: Introductions and Strengths Inventory.

Meeting #2: Mirror Inventory confession – ways others have hurt them and how it has affected their lives.

  • Listen carefully, realizing they may be telling you things they’ve not told another human being.
  • Affirm and pray for your Sponsee. Even though these are things done to them, many who’ve lived in shame will be expecting you to think less of them. You have the opportunity to dispel that deception with love.

Meeting #3 (and possibly 4): Shield and Closet Inventory confession. 

  • The Shield Inventory lists the ways the Sponsee has hurt others. In taking responsibility for their sins, they may be admitting some very shameful deeds. Listen carefully without shock or disbelief. Your support will help break the lie they believe that they need to portray themselves as someone they are not.
  • The Closet Inventory includes guilt and shame associated memories the Sponsee was planning to take to the grave. This is often the most difficult and most important part of the confession.

You will initial each inventory page as it is confessed. If you notice any patterns or recurring themes from their inventories, you may bring them your Sponsee’s attention.

Additional roles of a Sponsor:

Step 6…requires your sponsee to forgive those they resent and/or who hurt them in the past, names typically found on the Mirror Inventory.

Your role is to ensure they don’t miss anyone and that they forgive thoroughly. Sometimes they also need to forgive those on their Shield or Closet Inventories.

Encourage them to forgive the most painful ones first and initial their progress.

Step 7…asks your sponsee to face the pride, sin, selfishness and character defects in their lives. If you noticed any character defect patterns during their Inventory confession, you can provide beneficial feedback for them to consider.

Steps 8 & 9…asks your sponsee to make amends to those he/she has hurt from their Shield and Closet inventories.

Your role is to ensure they make direct amends wherever possible. At times you may be asked to preview an amends letter before it is sent. This is a great honor and responsibility.

(if interested, preview the FS teaching on Making Amends.)