
A Few Paths

A Few Paths

If you are ready to start Freedom Session, we have a few paths you can take to get going right away.

A great first step is to connect with a church in your area that is offering Freedom Session and Authentic Living. Our find a group page lists churches hosting Freedom Session that are open for registrations.

If you can’t locate a Freedom Session group nearby, we suggest you gather a few friends and start a Freedom Session Small Group in your home, at your church or online. 

In Your Home

In Your Home

Hosting a FS Small Group in your home with a few friends and our workbooks is easier than you think.

Our teaching videos include detailed instructions that guide you through the small group discussion. Hundreds of FS groups meet this way. Choose the day/time that works best for you and the people you want to share the journey with. FS Small Groups are gender specific and work best in groups of 3-12 (ideal size is 6 – 9). Much of the discussion happens in triads so multiples of three are best.

Share your plans with one of your pastors to gain their support and ongoing prayers.

At Your Church

At Your Church

Connect with one of your pastors or staff members and share your desire to see Freedom Session start in your church. Your church may be willing to advertise and provide a leader/host for a Freedom Session Small Group. Or, your church may affirm you as a FS Host, provide a suitable room in the church and list your FS Small Group among the other groups the church offers.

On Your Own

On Your Own

It is possible to order a Freedom Session workbook set and take Freedom Session on your own. Simply watch/listen to the teaching videos and complete the weekly homework assignment.  

However, you will enjoy a much deeper experience if you form a Triad with two friends and take the journey together (in person or online via video conferencing).  

If forming an online Freedom Session Triad/Group, you can watch the video teaching on your own and then connect for the Small Group Experience. Just make sure everyone purchases their own FS Workbook Set.

Every year, thousands of people just like you experience freedom and healing through one of these options. 

As you experience Freedom Session first hand and the healing God brings about in your life, God may use you to launch a larger Freedom Session ministry in your local church so that others can benefit. We’ve seen this happen often. And we’re here to help.

Contact us today so we can help you take the right next step towards getting started with Freedom Session and experience the life Jesus had in mind when He created you!


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