12 steps of Freedom Session

Freedom Session leads people on a healing-discipleship journey that is much deeper than traditional and even Christian, 12-Step Programs. At the same time, we see the value in a sequential, step-by-step process. The 12 Steps of Freedom Session are significantly different and more specific than others, reflecting our belief that healing, not recovery is the intended goal.

Foundations includes an important step on forgiveness that we find missing in other 12 Step programs. Authentic Living replaces the last three steps with proven discipleship qualities of a mature Christian.

Most importantly, we give Jesus Christ His rightful place in the journey because any healing that occurs is because of His love and power. Freedom Session is merely the messenger.

In the end, we define success as becoming a fully devoted disciple of Jesus, free of unhealthy thoughts and behavioral patterns, dependent upon the Holy Spirit and Christian community for support versus continued reliance in a program.  Freedom Session graduation is a highlight and important milestone for our participants.


Step 1: We admitted that, in our own strength, we are powerless to rise above our hurts, resentments, unhealthy behaviors and attempts to control. Our lives have become unmanageable.

Step 2: We came to believe that God exists, that He loves us deeply and that, through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, we can be healed and fulfill the purposes for which we were created.

Step 3: We made a conscious decision to turn our lives, our pain and our will over to the care of God and the leadership of Jesus Christ.

Step 4: We took an inventory of our lives, facing the truth where we’ve been hurt, how we’ve hurt others and the secrets we carry in our hearts.

Step 5: We broke the power of shame by confessing to God and another human being the exact nature of our wrongs, the lies we believed and secrets we vowed to take to the grave.

Step 6: We humbly asked God to forgive our wrongdoings and, based on His forgiveness, chose to also forgive ourselves. We then forgave those who hurt us, releasing our bitterness and trusting God to bring about justice in His way and timing.

Step 7: We admitted our shortcomings, pride, sinful tendencies and selfishness without excuse. We repented and asked God to replace our character defects with His character.

Step 8: We accepted responsibility for how we have harmed others, made a list of those we’ve offended and became willing to make amends to them all.

Step 9: We made specific and direct amends to those we have hurt whenever possible, except when to do so would further injure them or others who are innocent. For such persons, we made specific and indirect amends.

Step 10: We entered an authentic relationship with God, learning to hear His voice and understand His will for our lives through Bible reading and personal interaction with the Holy Spirit.

Step 11: We determined to live authentically with ourselves, creating a “life plan” to establish priorities, develop integrity and formulate the values by which we will live.

Step 12: We committed to live authentically with others, taking responsibility for our attitudes, judgments, behaviors and boundaries. Realizing our own shortcomings, we offer the same grace to others that God has extended to us. As God gives opportunity, we will share our story of finding healing, freedom and purpose for life with others.