what is freedom session?
Freedom Session is a powerful, healing-discipleship journey, inviting you to rewrite your story with a God-inspired ending.
Through biblical teaching, small group discussion and personal reflection, Jesus will heal your heart and empower you to live a life of freedom and purpose.
Freedom Session is one of the most effective, encompassing and transferable healing-discipleship ministries available that can run in your church, in homes and online.
It’s what healthy and growing churches offer…after the sermon.
Foundational Beliefs:
Jesus doesn’t identify you according to your behaviors or behaviors committed against you; neither will we.
As you open your life, hurts and will to the leadership of Jesus, and invite Him to reinterpret the painful memories satan uses to keep you in bondage, Jesus will heal your heart, set you free and give you a vision for life you never thought possible.
“I have come that you might have life…to the full.” – Jesus
The only regret we hear from Freedom Session grads is that they should have taken the course earlier.
I’ve watched Freedom Session transform hundreds of people’s lives with my own eyes making them more free, more authentic, and leaps and bounds more mature in Jesus. I’ll always remember the first time I met someone who had gone through Freedom Session. As she shared her story with me, I walked away and said the way she came out of that is just radically different than others I’ve seen. This thing is different!

Freedom Session helps people face their “Goliaths” in an environment where they are valued and cared for by facilitators, sponsors and accountability partners. I highly recommend Freedom Session for any church community who wants to see their congregation strengthened and walking closer with Jesus.

Freedom Session has freed me up as a pastor, and fills our church with powerful testimonies.

Who Is Freedom Session For?
Freedom Session has proven effective for men and women from every walk of life, every economic level and virtually every area of woundedness. It is effective for those with little church experience and those who’ve attended church their entire lives.
We’ve all been broken to some degree – trauma, failure and disappointment… And we all need a measure of healing. Life is too short to settle for pretending, burying or masking pain with destructive habits and unhealthy coping strategies.
Freedom Session is likely for you! Effective discipleship involves leading an authentic and examined life. Therefore, emotional and relational healing should be considered a normative step in every Christian’s discipleship journey.
Freedom Session is for those ready to rise above their hurts and their past to embrace the purposes for which God created them.
Freedom Session is a journey, a proven pathway divided into three equally important stages. In Foundations I & II, you begin the journey. You complete writing your story in Authentic Living and an Authentic Life Journal helps you solidify your commitment to living out all you’ve learned.
(Please note: The Freedom Session journey asks you to face and deal with painful events in your life. If you’ve been diagnosed with mental illness or suspect you have a mental illness, please ask your psychologist, psychiatrist, counsellor or pastor if they feel Freedom Session is appropriate for you.)
20 weeks – Workbooks 1 & 2
This is the foundational component of Freedom Session where participants explore and find freedom from the past – pain they’ve experienced, pain they’ve caused, resentment, guilt, shame and lies. As healing occurs, false beliefs and unhealthy behavioral patterns are broken.
Foundations includes two 10-week units: “Facing the Truth” and “Finding Freedom.”
Authentic Living
8 weeks – Workbook 3
Authentic Living continues the freedom journey by applying the same tools learned in Foundations towards present pain/conflict and future challenges. New habits are formed. A God-inspired vision is birthed and a plan to live it out established.
Over 90% of churches running Freedom Session Foundations offer Authentic Living as an immediate and expected follow-up.
Life Journal
90 days – Self-Directed Discipleship
The classic Authentic Life Journal helps individuals deepen their personal relationship with the Holy Spirit over a period of 90 days. Included are our favorite Freedom Session life tools, a prayer record journal and a proven structure for meaningful accountability triads.
Churches are using the journal as a basic discipleship tool for all followers of Jesus.